
    The Solar PV Cell & Module Manufacturing Plant

    The Solar PV Cell & Module Manufacturing Plant is working to apply new solar energy technology and develop commercial-grade equipment suitable for severe heat and sandstorms.

    Established in 2010 by the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), the Solar PV Cell & Module Manufacturing Plant and PV Reliability Laboratory produces solar panels and cells. The facilities will bring the latest solar energy technologies to Saudi Arabia and create top-quality equipment that can withstand extreme heat and sandstorms.

    The internationally accredited Laboratory examines the efficiency and reliability of solar panels, ensuring that the technology being used meets high standards. By focusing on solar energy, KACST is increasing the Kingdom’s reliance on clean energy sources and reducing its carbon emissions. To date, the Laboratory is the largest facility to be powered by locally manufactured solar panels.

    This project’s research and outputs are helping raise the Kingdom’s Global Competitiveness Index to be among the top 10 countries globally.

    Discover the ways in which Vision 2030 is advancing the shift towards a more sustainable energy mix in Saudi Arabia.


    Localize solar photovoltaic systems development & manufacturing

    Improve the quality & efficiency of solar panel tech operating in desert environments

    Create Saudi-specific technical standards to test solar panel reliability

    Foster private sector investments in solar tech manufacturing & supply chain



    factory to produce e solar panels and cells in Saudi Arabia


    internationally accredited Saudi laboratory for testing the reliability of solar panels

    60,000 m³

    of clean water produced daily by the AlKhafji desalination plant using solar energy


    solar panels produced locally